linecook.config package


linecook.config.core module

class linecook.config.core.LineCookConfig(config_dicts)

Bases: object

Configuration for linecook parsed from known configuration files.


Named transforms available for recipes.


Named recipes, which are simply text transforms, or sequences of transforms, that are applied to each line of text.


See load_config for a description of known configuration files, and hierarchical configuration works.


Return LineCookConfig reduced from all known configuration files.

The following configuration files are loaded, in order:

  • linecook.config.core
  • ~/.linecook/
  • ./.linecook/

Each file should define a dictionary named LINECOOK_CONFIG containing keys such as transforms and recipes.

Files loaded later (lower on the list) override values loaded earlier. Note that the overriding happens at the second level of dictionaries. For example, if ~/.linecook/ is defined as:

from linecook.transforms.core import color_text

    'transforms': {
        'warn_color': color_text(' WARN ', color='yellow'),
        'error_color': color_text(' ERROR ', on_color='on_red'),
    'recipes': {
        'logs': ['warn_color', 'error_color'],
        'default': ['warn_color', 'error_color'],

And then, ./.linecook/ is defined as:

from linecook.transforms.core import filter_line

    'recipes': {
        'default': [filter_line(' DEBUG '), 'error_color']

The loaded result would roughly translate to:

    'transforms': {
        'warn_color': color_text(' WARN ', color='yellow'),
        'error_color': color_text(' ERROR ', on_color='on_red'),
    'recipes': {
        'logs': ['warn_color', 'error_color'],
        'default': [filter_line(' DEBUG '), 'error_color']

You’ll notice that recipes doesn’t match the recipes in the second config file: Instead, the second file only overrode the 'default' value in the first config file, but preseved the 'logs' value.

linecook.config.parsers module

linecook.config.parsers.collect_recipes(config_dicts, transforms_registry)

Return recipe dictionary from a list of configuration dictionaries.

  • config_dicts (list(dict)) – Unparsed configuration dictionaries. For each dictionary, only use the ‘recipes’ value, which itself is a dictionary, where the keys are recipe names and values are lists of transform functions or transform names.
  • transforms_registry (dict) – Dictionary containing named transform functions. See also collect_tranforms, which build this registry.

Return transform dictionary from a list of configuration dictionaries.

Parameters:config_dicts (list(dict)) – Unparsed configuration dictionaries. For each dictionary, this applies parsers registered with register_transform_parser that convert configuration data into named transform functions.
linecook.config.parsers.get_value_from_each(key, dict_list)

Return list of values for key in a list of dictionaries.


Return dictionary of transforms based on colorizers in config_dict.

This converts colorizers field in a configuration dict into color transforms. For example, take the following configuration:

'colorizers': {
    'warn_color': {
        'match_pattern': ' WARN ',
        'on_color': 'on_yellow',

That configuration is parsed to return the transform:

from linecook.transforms.core import color_text

color_text(' WARN ', on_color='on_yellow')

Return dictionary of transforms based on transforms in config_dict.

All this really does is merge the transforms defined in multiple configuration dictionaries.


Add parser to registry of known linecook config parsers.

Parameters:config_type (str) – The config type that is parsed by this decorated function The resulting output will be stored in the parsed config under this name.

A config parser takes a sequence representing updated the an object containing the parsed data.

You can register the a parser with the same name multiple times, which will simply override older instances.

linecook.config.parsers.resolve_recipe(recipe, transforms_registry)

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