Developer’s Guide


The linecook package uses poetry for dependency management and distribution. You call install poetry using:

curl -sSL | python


Clone from github:

git clone

Install development requirements:

cd linecook
poetry install

For building the documentation locally, you’ll also need to run:

poetry install --extras "docs"


For local development, you’ll also want to install pre-commit hooks using:

poetry run pre-commit install

By default, this will run the black code formatter on changed files on every commit. To run black on all files:

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Running tests

The test suite can be run without installing dev requirements using:

$ tox

To run tests with a specific Python version, run:

$ tox --env py36

You can isolate specific test files/functions/methods with:

tox PATH/TO/
tox PATH/TO/
tox PATH/TO/


Documentation is built from within the docs directory:

cd docs
make html

After building, you can view the docs at docs/_build/html/index.html.


It turns out that breakpoints are a bit tricky when processing streamed input. A simple pdb.set_trace() will fail, so you’ll need to try one of the solutions described on StackOverflow [1], [2] (answer that worked for me).

Better yet, if you can use a single line of text can be passed in to test an issue, you can use the --text (-t) flag instead of piping text:

linecook <RECIPE> --text 'Line of text to test'


A reminder for the maintainers on how to deploy.

  • Update the version and push:

    $ bumpversion patch # possible: major / minor / patch
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags
  • Build release, deploy to PyPI, and clean

    $ make release
    $ make clean